
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameCossall Colliery Company Limited
PlaceCossall, Nottinghamshire
Epithetcolliery company
Datesfl 1878-1947
HistoryCossall Colliery was sunk in 1878-1879 to the east of Ilkeston. It was also known as Hewlett's, named after the Chairman of the Company. Cossall Colliery Company took over the Trowell Moor Colliery Company in 1901. High Holborn Colliery at Babbington was also acquired by the Company before 1923, although it seems to have stopped mining by 1936. In 1945 Trowell Moor was active for coal mining until 1928; it was being used as a pumping facility in 1945. The Company's remaining assets came under the control of the National Coal Board following the nationalisation of the coal industry in 1947.
Authorised Form of NameCossall, Nottinghamshire; Cossall Colliery Company Limited; fl 1878-1947; colliery company

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