
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameGrassmoor NCB Training Centre
Parent BodyNational Coal Board
PlaceGrassmoor, Chesterfield
EpithetNCB training centre
Datesfl 1957-1981
HistoryIn 1952 it was decided that a training centre should be provided for new miners and the site of Grassmoor was chosen as the colliery had recently closed but the canteen and pithead baths were still in good enough condition to be reused. It was decided to centralise the area’s training from here and so small training facilities at Williamthorpe and Markham were both closed down by 1955. Due to this decision, it was also decided that the centre should train experienced miners in the newer technologies being used in the industry. When the site officially opened in 1957, it had cost £77,000 to build. On average it was to train around 400 men every 16 weeks.
Key Events1957: opened
‘Grassmoor Colliery Merged With Williamthorpe’, and
‘Grassmoor Training Centre’,
Bell, D., Memories of the Derbyshire Coalfields (Newbury: Countryside Books, 2006)
Garlic, S. L., ‘Bygone Grassmoor’, Derbyshire Miscellany, 8.5 (1979)
Wain, K., The Coal Mining Industry of Sheffield and North Derbyshire (Amberley, 2014)
Authorised Form of NameGrassmoor, Chesterfield; Grassmoor NCB Training Centre; fl 1957-1981; NCB training centre

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