
Entry TypePerson
ForenamesMontagu Francis Melville
EpithetMining agent
Gender IdentityMale
BiographyEducted at Ampleforth, Yorkshire and H.M.S. Conway. Served as 2nd Lieutenant in First World War from 1915: also served in air force. After the First World War he studied at Nottingham University. He was appointed by H.E. Mitton to be manager of Ollerton Colliery for the Butterley Company; he was later Mining Agent of the Butterley Company, 1938-1946. He married Marjorie Isobel Brook on 23 June 1934; they had 4 sons: Stephen, David (born 13 Oct 1939), Martin (born 13 Apr 1941) and Miles (born 3 Dec 1944)
RelationshipsSon of Alfred Melville Wright and his wife Sarah Ann (nee Hughes)
Key EventsBorn 23 Jan 1897; died December quarter 1968 in Northallerton registration district, buried in Ampleforth village cemetery
AddressOllerton Hall, Nottinghamshire
SourceBurke's' Landed Gentry, 1939
Authorised Form of NameWright; Montagu Francis Melville (1897-1968); Mining agent

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