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Archive Reference / Library Class No.DCC/EV/16
TitleDerbyshire County Council Smarter Travel
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Full Catalogue ListClick here to view a full list for this collection
Archive CreatorDerbyshire County Council
Administrative HistoryThe Derbyshire County Council’s (DCC) Smart Travel Project was a fundamental and detailed review of how the Council “travels” to undertake duties and deliver services. It aimed to deliver more co-ordinated use of the Councils fleet vehicles, vehicle hire, passenger and goods transport and employees’ vehicles. As part of this project, DCC looked at ways of reducing travel by encouraging more online meetings, cycling and traveling on public transport, as well as reducing the number of vehicles DCC owned. This was part of DCC’s commitment to reduce costs and its carbon footprint.
Custodial HistoryThese records were transferred to Derbyshire Record Office by Derbyshire County Council in March, 2025.
AppraisalMaterial was apprasied during the accessioning process 2023-2024 in consultation with Derbyshire County Council's Corporate Records Manager. A full report and appraisal spreadsheet regarding this process can be found in the Collections Folders of the staff area of Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM).
ArrangementCatalogued using a hierarchy that represented the original project/folder structure in Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM). Catalogued to file/folder level, not each individual file. For the date often went with the date recorded in the file title, as this was often different from the date modified date.

While every entry on the catalogue has a reference number, no reference numbers have been applied to the folders and files on the network drive, the original titles have been retained.
Organisation Sub-TypeCounty council
Access ConditionsAccess restrictions apply to some records in this collection under the Data Protection Act. Please consult the catalogue and contact us for further information. See Data subjects in archives privacy notice, link below.
Privacy NoticeData Subjects in Archives Privacy Notice
TermPublic transport
Climate change
Information technology
Cycling (leisure)
Cost accounting
Cost reduction
Cost effectiveness
Project management
Local government
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