Title | Lease by Michael Biddulph of Polesworth (Co Warwick) Esq. and Francis his wife, John Swinfen of Swinfen (Co. Stafford) Esq, Waldo Willington of Hurley (Co. Warwick) Esq. Thomas Fox of Tamworth (Co Warwick) Esq. John Palmer of Temple Hall (Co. Leicester) esq. George Crosse rector of Clifton Campville (Co. Stafford), Richard Boll of Polesworth clerk, and Richard Beardsley of Amington. gent. to Henry Wright of Polesworth, innholder of one cottage in Polesworth and a parcel of land (1½ acres 18 perches) on Ashfurlong in Warton in the parish of Polesworth, and 1½ acres of arable land on Middle Birch Moores in Polesworth, 1½ acres in the Nether Ridding, 1 acre 18 perches on Great Birch Moores otherwise the Common Birchmoores Timber and mineral rights reserved |