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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D77/1/16/6
Former ReferenceD77/4/51-55,D77/6/5/4,D77/4/56-61,D77/6/5/40-41,D77/4/62-68
TitleBundle E re land and property in Netherseal
Description[E1] Covenant by Thomas Greisley of Bramcote (Co Warwick), gent, son of Arthur Greisley (cousin of Sir Thomas Greisley, late of Drakelow) to Francis Burdett of the Inner Temple, esq, and Christopher Horton of Catton, esq, to stand seised of the manor of Drakelow to the use of Thomas Greisley son of the late Sir George, for and during his natural life, with remainder in tail male, 29 Mar 1630
[E2] Bargain and sale by Zacharie Johnson of Netherseal, clerk, to Gilbert Morewood, citizen and grocer of London, of the advowson of Netherseal. Consideration £300, 2 Aug 1630. With counterpart; and Memorandum that Morewood owes Johnson £150. Endorsed with receipts, 10 Oct 1630
[E3] Lease for a term of 19 years by Gilbert Morewood to Zacharie Johnson re the Hurst Close in Netherseal. Rent: 20s, 2 Aug 1630
[E4] Covenant by Zachary Johnson of Netherseal, clerk, to Gilbert Morewood, citizen and grocer, of London that Gilbert shall hold those inclosures which he has leased to Zachary for a term of 99 years determinable on death free of any claim of common or glebe, 2 Aug 1630
[E5] Lease by Gilbert Morewood citizen and grocer of London to George Threlfare, Alice his wife, and Mary their daughter of Netherseal re one cottage and three half-acres in the common fields of Netherseal (½ acre in Nether Bebele field, ½ acre in Wood Field, ½ acre in Water Field), and 3 acres in the East Field, and one land and one pike of arable in the East Field butting on Ashepitt Flatt, and one acre of meadow. Consideration £6 13s 4d, rent 4d if demanded. To hold for the natural lives and the life of the longest liver, 25 Jan 1632/3
[E6] Feoffment by bargain and sale by Edward Titterton of Stretton le Field, yeoman, and William Tailour of Netherseal, husbandman, and Isabel his wife to Gilbert Morewood of Netherseal, gent, of a close of meadow or pasture called Tompsons Close, another close called Cullamoore Close, both in Netherseal. Consideration £36, 1 Mar 1632/3. With Bond in £80 of Edward Titterton of Stretton le Field, yeoman, and William Tailour of Netherseal, husbandman, and Isabel his wife to Gilbert Morewood of Netherseal, gent. of a close of meadow or pasture called Tompsons Close, another close called Cullamoore Close, both in Netherseal, 1632/3; Bond in £80 of Edward Titterton of Stretton le Field, yeoman, and William Tailour of Netherseal, husbandman, and Isabel his wife to Gilbert Morewood of Netherseal, gent, of a close of meadow or pasture called Tompsons Close, another close called Cullamoore Close, both in Netherseal, 1632/3; Assignment of lease by Richard Titterton of Uttoxeter, glover, to Andrew Moorwood of London, grocer, re a close of meadow or pasture called Tompsons Close, another close called Cullamoore Close, both in Netherseal for the residue of term of 25 years. Recital of lease by William Mather of Tutbury, esq, deceased and Ambrose his son (5 Jul 1620) to Thomas Lake late of Tutbury, deceased, 1 Mar 1632/3
[E7] Lease for 5 years from the last year of the feast of Pentecost last past by Gilbert Morewood of Netherseal, gent, to William Pemberton of Overseal, yeoman, re a messuage, shop barn and backside in Netherseal, to make Pemberton a tenant so that Morewood's interest may be lawfully tried and recovered, 10 Jun 1633
[E8] Final concord and counterpart made between Gilbert Morewood, plaintiff, and William Taylor and Isabel his wife, deforciants, of 3 acres meadow and 2 acres of pasture in Netherseal, Fine £60. Dated quindene of Easter 1633
[E 9] Assignment of lease by John Mather of Netherseal, labourer, to John Ward of Haunton (Co Stafford), labourer, reciting lease by Sir George Gresley of Drakelow, Bart, and Thomas Gresley his son (23 Mar 1626/27) to William Newbould re one cottage and backside in Netherseal for term of 1000 years. Consideration £14, 12 Oct 1635. With Bond in £28 of John Mather of Netherseal, labourer, to John Ward of Haunton (Co Stafford), labourer, reciting lease by Sir George Gresley of Drakelow, Bart, and Thomas Gresley his son (23 Mar 1626/27) to William Newbould re one cottage and backside in Netherseal for term of 1000 years, 1635
[E10] Feoffment by bargain and sale by Nicholas Smith late of Shenston (Co Stafford) now of Hartshill (Co Warwick), yeoman, to Gilbert Morewood of London, grocer, re a messuage, farm, and tenement in Netherseal purchased by Nicholas Smith of Daniel Prowdman (4 Oct 1617) and a close adjoining the barn belonging to the messuage, a cottage in Netherseal situated on the homestead of the said messuage, another cottage similarly situated. Consideration £360, 18 Apr 1637. With Receipt in £360 Nicholas Smith late of Shenston (Co Stafford) now of Hartshill (Co Warwick), yeoman, to Gilbert Morewood of London, grocer, re a messuage, farm, and tenement in Netherseal, 1637
[E11] Probate copy of the will of Richard Greene of Netherseal, husbandman. Will dated 12 Dec 1639. Proved at Leicester, 25 Aug 1640
[E12] Feoffment by bargain and sale by Sir John Harpur of Swarkestone to Gilbert Moorewood of Netherseal, gent, re a messuage in Netherseal, a water corn mill and meadow called Mill Holme, a cottage, a yearly rent of 2s 7d issuing out of certain lands in Netherseal, and another rent of 14d. Consideration of £240, 10 Jul 1641
[E13] Feoffment by John Nicklynson of Seal Grangewood in the parish of Netherseal, husbandman, to Peter his, third son, re one acre one rood of arable in Far Field on Waterfall Heath Leas, in the Lordship of Netherseal, purchased by John of Joseph Mosse late of Lullington deceased, and one acre one rood land more on the same furlong, and ½ acre on the same furlong, 2 Jun 1646
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorGresley family of Drakelow
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