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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D77/1/16/120-137
Former ReferenceD77/11/1/1-18
TitleBundle of deeds re various messuages, cottages or tenements in Netherseal, including that divided into two dwellinghouses in the occupation of Richard Heathcote and William Ryle, and the piece of meadow ground lying in Seale Meadow adjoining Chilcote Meadow, known as Hookes Meadow
Description(120) Bargain and sale between George Eaton of Seale Grange, Netherseal, yeoman and Richard Caton of Seale Grange, labourer, for various messuages, cottages or tenements in Netherseal, including that divided into two dwellinghouses in the occupation of Richard Heathcote and William Ryle, and the piece of meadow ground lying in Seale Meadow adjoining Chilcote Meadow. Consideration £30, 31 May 1709
(121) Lease and release between George Eaton of Seale Grange, yeoman, to Thomas Speare of Rostleston [Rosliston], roper, for a cottage and tenement now used as two dwelling houses inhabited by William Ryleand and Richard Heathcote and the yard and garden, and one moiety or undivided half part of the Hookes Meadow. Rent: one pepper corn at or on the feast day of St Michael the Archangel, 9 Dec 1713
(122) Counterpart lease and release between George Eaton and his wife and Thomas Speare (description as above). Consideration £54 10s, 10 Dec 1713
(123) Bond to perform a covenant by George Eaton to Thomas Speare, 10 Dec 1713
(124) Mortgage for 500 years between Thomas Speare of Netherseal, roper, to Thomas Wilson of Bretby, yeoman. Rent: one pepper corn at the feast of St Michael the Arch Angel, 23 May 1727
(125) Bond in £32 between Thomas Speare and Thomas Wilson for a mortgage (as above), 23 May 1727
(126) Copy will of Thomas Speare of Netherseal, 30 May 1728
(127) Mortgage between Thomas Wilson and William Milner of Netherseal, labourer, and Elizabeth his wife (widow of Thomas Speare of Nether seal, deceased) and William Bancroft of Ashby de la Zouch, inn holder. Consideration £42 18s. Further consideration of £2 2s to William Milner and his wife Elizabeth towards the necessary provision and support of the children of the said Thomas Speare, deceased, 23 Mar 1733
(130) Lease for 40 years between Thomas Bancroft of Ticknall, stone cutter, and William Milner and his wife Elizabeth. Rent: £32 15s by equal half yearly payment at Lady Day and Michaelmas, 10 Nov 1737
(128) Lease between William Milner and Elizabeth his wife and Thomas Bancroft. Consideration 5s. Rent: one pepper corn, 23 Mar 1736
(129) Mortgage for 500 years between William Milner and Elizabeth his wife and Thomas Bancroft. Consideration £52 12s 6d, 24 Mar 1736
(131) Articles of agreement between John Bancroft of Ashby de la Zouch, bricklayer, only son and heir of Thomas Bancroft of Ticknall, bricklayer, deceased and Thomas Brooks of Netherseal, blacksmith. John Bancroft, in consideration of the sum of 1 Guinea paid by Thomas Brooks, will on or before 5 Apr 1756, grant and convey unto Thomas Bancroft an estate of inheritance in fee simple of cottage and tenement in Netherseal with garden, orchard and backside and piece of Meadow Ground called The Fork Meadow containing half an acre now in the occupation of William Milner. Thomas Bancroft to pay £89, 17 Jan 1756
(132) Articles of agreement between William Miller of Netherseal, salter, and Thomas Brooks. William Miller agrees to give the leasehold of a messuage standing in Netherseal, having Netherseal street on the North, the Hospital on the East, a river called Mease on the South and the sign of the Red Lion on the West (which the said Thomas Brooks has lately purchased), at Old Lady Day next. On condition that the said Thomas Brooks will build a new house for the said William Miller at the end of the stable next to the house and that the said William Miller shall have free liberty to dwell in the above said leasehold messuage to enter at Lady Day next ensuing the date hereof until such time as the said Thomas Brooks shall put the said William Miller unto actual possession of the said new house. Its further agreed that the said William Miller from the time of his taking possession of the said house shall pay yearly and every year during the term of the natural life of him the said William Miller unto the said Thomas Brooks the sum of Twenty shillings at two equal pay months, that is ten shillings at Saint Michaelmas and ten shillings at Old Lady Day. With bond in £20, 17 Feb 1756
(133-134) Lease and release from Mary Bancroft of Calke, co. Derby, widow of Thomas Bancroft, mason, to Thomas Brooks of a cottage or tenement and meadow ground in Netherseale. Consideration £90, 5/6 Apr 1756
(135) Bargain and sale with feoffment between Jospeh Ball of Nether Seal, farmer, and Thomas Brookes of Nether Seal, farmer, for a cottage, piece or parcel of pasture or meadow ground approximately half an acre enclosed out of a Wood field, Nether Seal, which said Close adjoins on one side to the Brook separating the said close from Chilcott Meadows. Consideration £17, 11 Oct 1780
(136) Copy probate of Thomas Brooks, Netherseal, husbandman, 21 Dec 1782
(137) Mortgage for 500 years between John Priestland alias Brooks, son of Thomas Brooks, of Netherseal, yeoman, and Joseph Ball of Netherseal, yeoman, for a cottage or tenement in Netherseal with the outbuildings and yard and garden belonging and a meadow called Hooks Meadow and a close or parcel of ground called The Pasture Close. Consideration £135. Rent: one pepper corn, 25 Aug 1794
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorGresley family of Drakelow
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