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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D5956/68/1
TitleSurrender by George Sutton of Hartington, grocer, and John Spencer of Ashbourne, currier, (being the trustees and executors of the will of Hugh Goodwin, late of Hartington, yeoman, deceased), and Benjamin Brittlebank of Winster, gentleman, (their mortgagee), and Esher Goodwin of Hartington, being the widow of the said Hugh Goodwin; - and the admission of Thomas Fogg of Hartington, yeoman, and surrender to the uses of the will of the said Thomas Fogg; - of property situate in the Manor of Hartington, known as Big Meer or Dig Meer 3 acres, James Close and an adjacent allotment 1a-2r-0p; - in consideration of £480 7s 6d paid by Fogg to Brittlebank and of £31 12s 6d paid by Fogg to Sutton and Spencer, Manor of Hartington. Parchment 28 Apr 1832
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorClients of Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors
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