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D5956 - Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors - 1849-1922
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Stoneput Rake and Ragg's Cross Rake, Bakewell and Ashford liberites [Formerly numbered 1857-38] Draft agreement between (1) James Frost of Bakewell, painter; (2) Sir Joseph Paxton of Chatsworth; (3) William Condell esq o Bakewell, surgeon; (4) James Gillingham of Pilsley, woodman; (5) Benjamin Thompson of Bakewell, butcher; and (6) ----- Taylor of Pilsley, widow; - reciting that (1), in consideration of money to be paid to him by the other parties on the freeing of a vein or veins thought by (1) to exist in Bakewell and Ashford liberties, agreed to search for the veins. (1) has thereby discovered the veins now valled "Stone Pit Rake" and "Ragg's Cross Vein" in the said libraries, but insufficient ore has been got to free them. It is hereby agreed to divide the said mineral works thus: (1) 3/24ths, (2) 6/24ths, (3) 6/24ths, (4) 6/24ths, (5) 2/24ths, 1/24ths Oct 1856
Derbyshire Record Office
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Clients of Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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