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D535 - Thornsett Turnpike Trust - 19th cent
BOX - Thornsett Turnpike: box-listed records - 19th-20th cent
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Thornsett Turnpike: Box 6
19th cent
This box contains eight volumes:
Bound ledger: entries 1833-1840: items of income and expenditure
Bound ledger: entries 1832-1833: lists names of 7 holders of mortgages of the tolls with text of each mortgage document
Bound volume labelled Cash Book: contains annual abstracts of accounts: 1876-1886:
with enclosures: Income tax receipt: 1886
Receipts: 1885: for interest, salaries and Township payments
Letter: 1885: from Levi Hall, Furness Vale Collieries
Bound ledger: entries 1840-1844: monthly toll collection totals at each toll gate
Bound cash book: entries 1853-1861: subscriptions and interest paid: with enclosure: letter: 1865: from Robert Rain to Mr Adamson
Bound cash book: income and expenditure entries: 1843-1864
Bound volume: contains:
Act of Parliament: Thornsett Turnpike Road Act 1864
List of trustees
For each year 1864-1887: notices of annual meetings and special meetings; financial estimates and annual accounts
List of securities paid off: entries 1866-1870
Trustees' declarations of qualification and office: 1864-1884: 16 individuals
with enclosures: invoice: 1886: supply of toll tickets, gas, water and repairs: Matthew Goodden, lessee of tolls, Abergavenny
Meeting minutes in note form: undated
Annual income and expenditure account: 1886
Bound volume: "Mortgage securities": text of mortgage of tolls documents: entries 1853-1859
"Register of securities": copy text of transfer documents: entries 1864-1884
with enclosure: draft reassignment of mortgage security: 1873: Edward Reddish
Derbyshire Record Office
Archive Creator
Thornsett Turnpike Trust
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Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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