Title | Grant by Robert Jankinson of Thulston to Henry Pymme and wife Agnes, and heirs, of messuage and land in Thulston - ½ acre Whitedykehadeland, Shalke furlong ½ acre, Bellydenes ½ acre, Othehalnethornes 1½ roods [rods], Mere furlong/Galtre furlong 1½ roods [rods], Lytelmedowe ½ acre, Highmedowe 3 roods [rods], Rouelcross 1½ roods [rods], Coppydgreve and Hermethouse ½ acre, le Toftes 1 rood [rod], Chetelmedow 2 selions, toft. Witnesses: John Ireton, Nicholas Kniveton, Thomas Tykell, and others 21 Sep |