Title | Arbitrators' division of lands between Joseph Osborne the younger, of Spondon and wife Anne, and William Richardson of Elvaston and wife Mary. Award gives Osborne Near Millway Close, part of Lands Side Close, Nether Meadow Close, Nether Meadow, Moor End Close, and half of the Homestead, Elvaston; house and land on Town Street, Thulston; land in Snealfmoor field, Chellaston. Richardson receives Far Millway Close, Elvaston Sands Close, part of Sands side close, Elvaston House End Close, and other moiety of Homestead, Elvaston, Alvaston Close, and two acres of Cow Green, Elvaston. Richardson to pay Osborne £107 for his moiety of the Homestead. Bond to accept arbitration; final concord; lease and release to Osborne according to award |