Title | Marriage settlement between (1) William Soare of Ambaston, yeoman, wife Anne, son and heir apparent John (2) Rebecca Lovatt of Draycote, spinster (3) Henry Lovatt of Barrow Ash, [Borrowash] yeoman, Joseph Lovatt of Draycote, yeoman, in consideration of intended marriage of John and Rebecca and £140 portion from Rebecca to John, (1) releasing to (3) messuage, Kilne Crofts (8 acres), Grimsitch or Grimsteads (3 acres), the Meadow Nook (4 acres), the Great Guy Lands (7 acres), to use of William and heirs till the marriage, then to John for life, Rebecca for life, eldest son and male heirs, etc remainder to right heirs of William: cottage. Dovecoate Close to William for life; Anne to have £6 per annum after his death, remainders to John etc as above; Colhead Close (7½ acres) Little Guy lands (2 acres), Nine Ridges (3½ acres) to John for life etc as above. Proviso that John and Rebecca may jointly reappoint uses 29 Jul |