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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D410/T/586
TitleSmall cartulary bound in mediaeval music
Date[mid 14th cent]
DescriptionContaining transcripts of the following deeds:
a) Quitclaim by Hugh de Munton to Thomas son of William Herbert of Somersale his lord and his heirs of two bovates of land with appurtenances in the territory of Somersale. Witnesses: Lord William de Mo[n]tegom[er]y, William De Mesam, knight, Lord Peter de Wakepul, Robert?(S)Legasale, Walter de Bosco, Richard son of Herbert, clerk. Undated
b) Gift by Richard son of Robert de Mungom[er]y to Henry son of Thomas son of Herbert de Somersale and Roger his brother of all lands and meadows with messuages and buildings and all appurtences which he holds by gift and feoffment of Henry son of Thomas de Lutlewod in Chirchesomersall without any reservation except for an acre of meadow in the Wetedoles. Witnesses: Nicholas son of Herbert Joan de Bentleye Richard de ?Schamnton Ralph de Bosco, Henry de Lee, Robert son of Walter de Lee, Richard, clerk, and others. Undated
c) Quitclaim by Henry son of Thomas de Littilwode to Richard son of Robert de Mungom[er]y of 19 acres of arable land with 3 acres of meadow and all other appurtenances which he held in the vill and territory of Chirchsomersall. Witnesses: Robert de Acov[er]e Lord of West Brotton, Robert de Segesall (Sedsall), Joan Wate of Makel[ey], Richard Kingeell, Robert de la Mulneton, Joan de Kingesl[ey], Thomas de Duddell, Henry Yoderich, Henry de la Lee, Warin, clerk and others. Dated (?1269) Henry III
d) Gift and quitclaim by Roger Fitz(son) of Herbert de Chirchesom[er]sall to Henry Fitherbert his brother his heirs and assigns of all the lands and tenements he held in the vill of Somersall with appurtenances. Witnesses: William de Bosco, Robert de Lee, Thomas his brother and others. Dated Monday nearest after the feast of St Michael 5 Edward I [4 Oct 1277]
e) Gift by Henry son of Thomas Fitzherbert chaplain to Nicholas son of Stephen de Woodford of all his goods and chattels in all his lands and tenements in Chirchsom[er]sall.
Monday next after the feast of St Valentine 14 Edward II [16 Feb 1321]
f) Quitclaim by Thomas son of Henry Cloppe of Somersall to Richard de?Schamhton (could be Conchamnton – begins g) of half an acre of meadow with appurtenances in le Brodemedue. Witnesses: John Lord of Broutton, Richard de Brugist, Ralph de Bosco, Henry de Lee, Robert de Lee, Henry Goderich, Thomas de Duddel and others. Dated Tuesday next after the close of Easter 24 Edward I [c1296]
g) Gift by William de Kyngiston of Som[er]sall to Agnes daughter of Alice his wife of 4 acres of land in the territory of Som[er]sall, namely an acre of arable towards the Wodehouse between his land and the land of Nicholas Carpenter, and half an acre beyond Dodevinehock (or oke) next to the acre of Walter de Lee and a half acre on le Bregge, two selions and a rood extending on Mosumer, two butts next to the land of William son of Matilda and two selions on le Toft, a halfacre next to the land of William son of Matilda and an acre of meadow in the meadows of Somersall, and an acre next to le Holte. Witnesses: Robert de Lee, Walter de Lee, Richard de Folkishul, Henry de Bosco, Adam de Lee and others. Undated
h) Gift by Thomas son of Henry Clopp of Chirch-som[er]sall, to Henry son of Thomas Fitzherbert of Somersal, chaplain, of a messuage and five acres of land and half acre with appurtenances in the vill aforesaid, which descended to him after the death of Henry his father. Witnesses: Nicholas (son of) Fitz Herbert Lord of Somersal, Joan de Bentel, Henry de Lee, Robert son of Walter de Lee, Thomas his brother and others. Date on the feast St Mark the Evangelist 27 Edward I [25 Apr 1299]
i) Gift by Thomas Fitzherbert Lord of Somersale to William son of Richard de le Leyes for homage and service of a garden in the vill of Somersale, and four acres of land in the territory of Somersale lying next to the croft of Ralph, clerk, and extending from the way which leads towards Somershale Woodhouses: annual rent of 3s 3d. Witnesses: William de Mesam, Walter de Bosco, Roger de Werney, Henry le Roxe de le Leyes, Henry clerk de Kingeston and others.
j) Gift by Elienora Derbina to Matilda her daughter of a messuage and all her lands and meadow in the vill and territory of Nether Somersal which she held by gift and feoffment of Alan Champeneys. Witnesses: Lord William de Mongom[er]y, Henry de Kynneton kts., Richard de Kingisl[ey], John Wase, John de Bentel, Ralph de Bosco and others.
k) Gift by William son of Richard de Leys to Alan son of William Chaumponeys in [sic] M[er]tinton M[o]ngom[er]ry for homage and service of a house with curtilage in the vill of Nether Somersale which said house and curtilage Ralph le Carret once held and a moiety of two bovates of land and meadow with appurtenances and a moiety of two bovates of land and meadow of which Thomas Fitzherbert made to him in fee in the territory of Nether Som[er]sale and a certain parcel of land which he sold to Henry Cloppe and Agnes his wife, also an acre of arable land of four acres. Witnesses Lord William de Montegom[er]y, Robert de Seggeshall, Ralph ad Boscu, William de Clomsh[a]m, John Wace, Walter de la Lee, Richard de Presstlio and others. Dated Sunday next after the feast of St Jacob [21 Jul] 1280
l) Gift by William son of Richard de Lewes to William son of William de Finderne and Ysolde his daughter in free marriage of a bovate of land with appurtenances with houses, gardens and all other appurtenances and three shillings annual rent arising from Alan Chaumpeneys ( his heirs and assigns and five shillings annual rent arising from the heirs of Henry le Clop: annual rent of 12 shillings, reversion to said William if William and Ysolde die without lawful issue. Witnesses: Thomas Fitzherbert, Lord Robert then chaplain of Somersall, Nicholas de Fynderne, Walker de Lee, Ralph de Bosco, Ralph clerk of Som[er]sal, John de Kingsle and others. Undated, Edward I [late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
m) Gift by Thomas Fitzherbert of Som[er]sal to Alan son of William Chaumponeys of a selion of arable land close to his parcel (placiam) of land which he holds of William de Kingeston and extends from the highway next to his (Thomas’) garden, with license to enclose and build, in exchange for another selion of land which lies opposite the house of John Burdon of Somersal: also grants to said Alan a gift and sale which William son of Richard de Leys made to said Alan of a house and curtilage in the vill. of Nether Som[er]sal and a moiety of two bovates of land and meadow with appurtenances in Nether Som[er]sall, the land and meadow which said William sold to Henry Cloppe and Agnes his wife and also half an acre of meadow which he sold to Matthew de Shaninton and the gift and sale (donum et venditione) of the said William to Alan and his heirs and assigns of an acre of arable land of 4 acres of land. Witnesses: Lord William de Mo[n]tegom[er]y, Robert de Seggeshall, Ralph and Bosum, Walter de Lee, Richard de Pres, clerk, and others. Dated Sunday next after feast St Peter ad vincula [3 Aug] 1280
n) Gift by Thomas son of Henry Cloppe of Somersale to Henry son of Thomas Fitzherbert of a messuage with appurtenances in Somersal Herbert namely that which lies next to the cemetery on the west and the road which leads through the middle of the vill on one part, and the croft of the lord in width on the other. Witnesses: Nicholas Fitzherbert, William his brother, Robert de Lee, Thomas his brother, Ralph, clerk and others. Undated, Edward I [late 13th cent-early 14th cent].
o) Gift by Thomas son and heir of Henry Clopp of Chirchsom[er]sal – and quitclaim – to Thomas Fitzherbert chaplain and his heirs of a messuage and five acres of land and a half in Somersall with appurtenaces. Witnesses: Nicholas Fitzherbert de Som[er]sall, William Fitzherbert of the same place, Henry de Lee, Robert de Lee, Thomas his brother and others. Dated on the feast St Mark the Evangelist 27 Edward I [25 Apr 1299]
p) Gift by William Fitzherbert of Somersale to Simon Bakun of Mercinton his heirs and assigns of four acres of land in the assart (essartum) of Somersal extending from the assart of Geoffrey de Segishall in length next to the assart of Robert Aryng which the said Simon was accustomed to hold from his (William’s) mother: annual rent of 8d [pence]
Witnesses: Lord William de Mungu[m]ery, William de Meysam, Geoffrey de Segishall, Ralph de Boses de Burton, Robert de Grendon Robert de Mulneton. Undated, Edward I [late 13th cent-early 14th cent].
q) Henry son of Thomas Fitzherbert, chaplain, to Nicholas one of Stephen de Wodeford, of a messuage and two bovates of land and 3 acres of meadow with appurtenances in Chirchsomersall, also a messuage and five acres of land and a half with appurtenances in the same vill, namely those which he held by gift and feoffment of Thomas Clopp, also a messuage with appurtenances in the same vill namely that which he held by gift and feoffment of Richard de Shanyngton. Witnesses: Joan de Shanynton, William atte Wode William de Lee, Thomas de Lee, Thomas son of Marg[er]ie, Robert de Lee and others. Dated Monday next after the feast of St Valentine the Martyr 14 Edward II [16 Feb 1321].
r) Gift by Henry son of Thomas de Luttelewode to Richard de Mungomery of a toft in the vill and territory of Chirchsom[er]sall, that which lies between the land of the lord of Somersall on one part which is called Wallemorflat and his toft on the other, descending from the highway as far as the stream running from Caldwalle, and a halfacre of land lying on Mosemereshul between the land which Alan de Som[er]sal once held on the one part, and the land which Ralph, clerk, once held on the other part, and a half acre of land lying on Dodefinger between the land of Thomas Clopp on the one part, and the land which William son of Matlida de Som[er]sal once held on the other, and a parcel of land lying next to le Turnouresgrene on one part and the land of the lord of Som[er]sal on the other: rent of a red rose. Witnesses: Robert de Seggeshal, Richard de Kingesl[ey], William de Clonnh[a]m, Joan Watce de Mackel, Robert de la Mulneton, John de Kingesl[ey], Thomas de Duddel, Henry de la Lee, Richard, clerk, and others. Undated Edward I (Wiln.) [late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
s) Gift by William de Kingeston to William, son of William de Twyford for homage and service of a bovate of land in the vill. of Somersall with all appurtenances in free marriage with Ysolda his daughter, with a barn and curtilage and the buildings built there, and five shillings annual rent from the heirs of Henry Cloppe and three shillings annual rent from Alan Camponeys. Annual rent of 12 shillings. Witnesses: Ralph de Bosco, Nicholas de Finderne Walter de Lee and others. Undated (presumably Edward I or II [late 13th cent-mid 14th cent])
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorVernon family of Sudbury Hall
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