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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/T/22
TitleIndenture of award made by George Harris, Robert Wood and Richard James yeoman, between 1) Thomas Sellars and Robert Haslam, yeomen, churchwardens of chapel of Great Longsdon, Great [Longstone], and 2) Christopher Jenkins of Great Longsdon, yeomen; reciting disagreements concerning yearly rent charge of 20s on all lands of William, son of Richard Woodward in town and fields of Great Longsdon now in tenure of Christopher Jenkins payable at usual feasts according to deed made on Monday after the Feast of the Annunciation, 30 Edward III [1356] and paid until about 40 years ago, for necessary repair of church and chapel, relief of poor within chapelry, and for mending of highways; reciting further that suits for the recovery of the rent and arrears have been started and continued in consistory court or chapter house at Lichfield and sentence recently given for Thomas and Robert, whereupon the other party appealed. Whereupon to save expense and preserve amity among neighbours and to the end that the rent should not be extinguished the parties with mutual consent and freewill and good liking of most and best sort of inhabitant of chapelry have submitted to arbitration of Raphe Whyte, George Harries, Robert Wood and Richard James with the umpiring of the right honourable William Cavendish, esq. Umpire and arbitrators award first that the parties be and continue loving friends, and that all suits be dropped, and secondly that Christopher, his heirs and assigns, are to be forgiven arrears and the future payment of 20s yearly as long as they pay 13s 4d half at Annunciation [Lady Day] and half at Michaelmas after service in the south porch of chapel; payment to be used by towres [White cliff towers] - on east side of River Wee [Wye] and on west side of the closes of Whiteclyf [Whitecliff] butting on Sharpedge on north and on the Greenside on south
7) and parcel of common called the Nabbes on east side of the Mylndamme [Milldam] in Monsall dale [Mondall dale]
8) It is agreed that the conveyance of these lands to be made by Steven and Anthony Longesden [Longsdon] to Countess of Shrewsbury should not hurt, endamage or impeach the tithe reserved to Steven and Anthony to their other lands not being exchanged
9) Steven and Anthony also give in exchange their right, claim and interest in Little Longesden [Little Longstone] leas (reserving all ways to selves and heirs for ever) and one little close called Longesdendale which was no part of the leas at time of exchange save that it lay on east side of leas and joined it to lordship of Ashover
10) Steven and Anthony are to have for their Leas a parcel of ground called the hyll from the near corner of a close called Broom Bancke eastward against north corner of John Hancock's Hill Close and so down to said corner of same close; and for their common or pasture to have 12 acres lying between said parcel of ground and the highway called Crossway, and also the overwhart close with good assurance and warranty, with right of re-entry into their former estates if disturbed in possession of the new. Memorandum that Broome Bancke and the churchwardens with consent of most and best part of inhabitants for repair of church, relief of poor aged people in chapelry, mending of highways and other like godly and lawful purposes
10 Mar 1603/4
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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