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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/T/155
TitleProbate will of James Longsdon of Little Longstone, esq., £200 to cousin John Gardom of Bubnell; real and personal estate in Little Longstone, Great Longstone and Ashford, parish Bakewell, and in Youlgreave (except such household furniture as wife Ann may wish to keep) to George Naylor of Sheffield, merchant, Charles Oates of Palermo, Sicily, Merchant, John Gardom, William Wager of Great Longstone, gent., and John Harrison of Tideswell, gent., on trust to sell as much as required of real estate excepting capital messuage to meet debts and legacies. Capital, messuage, and outbuildings with fields and premises remaining unsold to be held in trust to pay rents and profits to wife, Ann, for life, she having care, maintenance and education of infant son, Henry John, during minority. Capital messuage and land to Henry John, heirs and assigns, on his majority, subject to payment of issues to wife, Ann for life. If son dies without issue or without having disposed of real property, reversion to testator's brother, William. If wife thinks it desirable whole property is to be sold and residue invested from which income is to be paid to wife. Capital may be advanced at direction of wife for advancement of promotion of son, but not otherwise. After death of wife capital to be transferred to son or to his lawful issue on achieving majority. If son dies without children during Ann's life, then £1000 to Ann, £250 each to Miss Eliza Oates and Miss Caroline Oates, sisters of Ann, £200 to Ann Oates daughter of Charles, £300 to John Gardom, £500 to Peter Longsdon of Manchester, gent., and residue equally between such nephews and nieces and children of cousin, James Longsdon of Manchester, as may be living at testator's death. Requests landlord, Duke of Devonshire, to accept William Wager as tenant to land in Little Longstone and brother in law, Sydney Smithers, as tenant to land at Ashford in consequence of James having spent considerable amount of money on the land
Trustees to make proper provision for widow of late servant, Joseph Higginbottom during life
Trustees and wife, Ann, executors 10 Mar 1827
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
Physical Descriptionprobate itself torn away
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