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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3287/BSA/5/306
TitleGeo. Milner Odlum, Decatur, Michigan, to British South Africa Company: has visited W.I. Joseph of Potwin, Kansas, and discussed his scheme for attracting settlers for Southern Rhodesia whilst making his own profit out of land sales;
enclosed draft agreement between British South Africa Company and Joseph;
need for advertising in U.S.A.;
convinced of potential source of settlers, esp. due to break up of the ranges in the West;
has visited Wyoming State Experimental Station and firm of meat packers in Chicago;
thinks he has convinced them of potential of Southern Rhodesia;
is to go to Canada to see Lord Grey, then to Washington to interview candidates for post in charge of Bulawayo Warehouse.
Date1908 Jan 29
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorBritish South Africa Company
Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth
Place (click for further details)Type
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