Title | Lease (and counterpart) by John Gery of Swepston Doctor of Laws and Prebendary of Liddington (at the direction of Eusebius Buswell and Sir Eusebius Buswell of Cadeby Leics) to Robert Pygot of Chetwynd, Salop, Esq, John Davyes of Kingsland, Hereford, clerk, Samuel Bracebridge of Lindley, Leics, Esq, and George Buswell, gent, younger son of Eusebius Buswell of Cadeby, in consideration of the surrender of the previous lease and £505 7s 6d, of all that prebend, rectory and parsonage of Liddington, Rutland, for the lives of Eusebius Buswell, Sir Eusebius Buswell and George Buswell, upon the trusts in indenture of 20 March 1710 (sic): £30 per annum. Dated 23 June |