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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D239/M/E/20481
TitleRelease to follow lease for possession by William FitzHerbert of Tissington esq. to Sir John Gay Alleyne of Barbados Bart. and Timothy Blenman of Barbados esq., to dock, bar, and extinguish all estates tail, of Turners Hall Plantation
DescriptionRelease upon the following trusts: in the first place for a term of 1000 years to raise portions for younger children, and then for a term of 500 years to the use and behalf of Daniel Lascelles and William Daling, and then to the use of William FitzHerbert for ever; the term limited to the use of Lascelles and Daling is to discharge the bond in £21,028. Recital of settlement (for which see D239/M/E/20464) and of D239/M/E/20465. Dated 23 December
Endorsed with schedule of 'negroes' and with release and quitclaim by Lascelles and Daling. 10 December 1781
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorTurners Hall sugar plantation, Barbados
FitzHerbert family of Tissington
CopiesA digital copy of this item is available on the public computers at the record office. A black and white copy is also available on microfilm M/701.
TermSugar plantations
Place (click for further details)Type
Turners Hall PlantationSettlement
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