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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D1920/2/1/7/78
TitleLocal Appeal Tribunal case file for Walter Sheppard, aged 52, Miner at Williamthorpe
DescriptionDate of birth:
Marital status: Married
Address: 10 Park Street, Chesterfield
Type of benefit claimed: Injury benefit
Type of injury: Injury - back
Further information: Long history of back trouble dating from a fractured lumbar vertebrae in 1942 ; since 1948 there had been 14 periods of benefit cliaimed . In the latest period, an injury had occurred in January 1957when Sheppard had slipped on a wet floor while walking between jobs and he was then in receipt of a 5 per cent disablement benefit up to January 1958. 11 certificates then stated 'backache' as the reason for incapacity and twice a comment '?occupational' was added. The Medical Officer report stated a history of osteo-arthritis of the spine was present. Mr Kitts as NUM representative described how the accident had occurred very soon before the end of the shift and there was no-one to report it to on duty immediately, also 'He is a big man and if he slips on a gradient of 1/4 wet floor he will injure himself' and quoted from a previous Commissioner's decision that a Tribunal were favourable to a claimant when it was only a balance of probability that an injury was caused by an accident. The insurance officer stated the accident was not in doubt but whether perosnal injury was suffered as a result.
Extent1 file
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorNational Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Derbyshire Area
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