Description | Documents relating to Ringley Parish Church:
Tickets for: Concert 1918; Rally at Ardwick 1920; "Three Little Pigs"; Social and Dance; and Sunday School Procession - all undated Circular letters: undated: about proposed Church regular giving scheme; an appeal for better attendance; and to parishioners of Outwood Church Wardens' Accounts: 1921 Service sheets and leaflets: 1917-1918, 1922-1925: Men's Bible class: 1918; Dedication festival: 1920 Draft letters: undated: renewal of baptism vows; and proposed rules of Guild of the Altar Proforma: undated: graveyard fees Notes: number of those attending and of communicants: 1917-1918 Notes: 1919: perhaps for an annual review of parish matters One page of a letter: 1918: reduction in [Sunday] School attendance Parish magazine: October 1918 Programme: 1912: Mothers' Union; Musical and Dramatic Entertainment Notice: 1917: Induction of new vicar Appeal letter: 1920: specification of new organ at St Aidan's, Outwood
Personal letters to Talbot Dilworth Harrison:
1912: from Ernest Edward Dugmore: invitation to join Society of St Andrew 1932: from E[dward] K[eble] Talbot, (brother of Dean of Pretoria): invitation to consider becoming Dean of Pretoria 1924: from Bishop of Manchester: about Franks, (deacon) and the need for a priest: with undated unaddressed draft from Talbot Dilworth Harrison asking the recipient to take Franks on 1924: from Bishop of Chester: vacancy for a priest at Coppenhall and response to invitation to an anniversary 1924: from Stephen F B Bedale: could offer a deacon Undated [1924]: from Frederick W Cooper: death of and funeral arrangements for an unnamed clergyman of Prestolee [Charles Spencer Newham, died 1924] 1927: from Bishop of Bradford: invitation to take part in a mission in the Bradford diocese 1919: from J C Hill: about going with Hutchinson to see the Bishop 1921: from P[hilip] V[ernon] Smith: comments after declining to give a faculty for a third communion table within a church 1924: from J[ohn] Russell Darbyshire: recommends Stanley Longworth 1917: from Dorothy Fellowes on Talbot Dilworth Harrison leaving Prestwich 1966: from Tony Pierce, Wollaston College, Western Australia; (? former parishioner) 1907: from John de la Hay (?), Oxford, about examination results 1964: from Reg Holmes, Hounslow (? former parishioner) 1909: from George Fletcher, Warminster: refers to Cuddesdon 1961: from Bishop of Pretoria: thanks for gift; news of Church work 1927: from Ted, Outwood: appreciation of Talbot Dilworth Harrison's work 1964: from Alan Foster, Chesterfield: personal news Undated: from Harry: "one of your lads" 1964: from Jack, Moor Park, Crosby: (? former parishioner) 1966: from ?????, Westmont, Pennsylvania (? former parishioner) 1905-1913: about 25 letters from peers: including references to ordination and forthcoming clergy vacancies 1913-1917: about 25 letters from parishioners about personal matters 1905-1906: from James Wilson, "cousin" 1917; 1923; 1921: about 25 letters from Bishop of Manchester: including issues about age of confirmation candidates and a possibly irregular mission church
Documents relating to Prestwich Parish Church:
Service sheet: Christmas 1911 Dedication Card: 1925: Parish of Church Kirk; Young People's Mission Lent Resolution Card: 1914: signed by Joe Openshaw, witnessed by C Lavendar Church Catechism card: undated Watch Schedule: 1919: Saturday 19th July: half hourly schedule with names of individuals
Documents: 1922-1924: relating to William Duncan Standfast, later William Duncan Pennington: : letters; notes; newspaper cuttings relating to action taken by Talbot Dilworth Harrison in dismissing William Duncan Standfast as curate of St Aidan's, Outwood; responses of parishioners; Standfast's actions in establishing an alternative church in Outwood; investigation of possible bigamy by Standfast; bankruptcy hearing in Manchester; action by Standfast in Bury County Court to recover alleged unpaid stipend; correspondence about debts owed by Standfast to third parties: bundle of invoices for items purchased by Standfast for St Aidan's, Outwood. [A relevant register of baptisms from Outwood is held at Lancashire Archives]
Page from the Tablet: 31 August 1968
Form of Reconciliation to the Fellowship of the Church [service sheet]: undated; 6 copies
Circular letter: 1928: Family Service at St Bartholomew's, Brighton
Letter: 1949: from Town Clerk, Chesterfield: substitution of chairs for pews in Chesterfield parish church
Notes: undated: as if for an article: Conversion of the Roman Empire
Newspaper and magazine cuttings: various years 1936-1973: some undated: from various publications including: The Church World; Churchman's Magazine; New Christian; Church Times; the Tablet; English Churchman and St James Chronicle; The Reformer Protestant Alliance Magazine; Christianity Today; The Christian World: subjects include: liturgical and doctrinal matters; conversion of former Roman Catholic priests to Protestantism; matters relating to Chesterfield Parish Church; and newspaper reports of addresses by Talbot Dilworth Harrison, including concern about the implications for church attendance of development of housing estates remote from Chesterfield town centre
Leaflets: undated: A New Era for Anglicans and Roman Catholics Canon Ronald Preston A Help to Repentance Godly Sorrow: Self Examination
Photograph: mounted in three sections: All Saints, Chesterfield: window in the nave
Appeal letter: undated: for memorial to Canon Leeper, Southwell Cathedral
Proforma: undated: Southwell Diocesan Pastoral Committee: parish details and statistics: not completed
Complete copy: The Watchtower: November 1958
Invoice and letter: 1959: C E Gaunt & Son Ltd; repairs to spire, Chesterfield
Original newspapers: The Guardian: 2 December 1909, (folded open at Church vacancies page) The Times 7 November 1805
Programmes: 1933 and 1934: Annual Concert, Church Lads Brigade, St Bartholomew's, Brighton
Typescript: undated: appears to be text of part of a play "The Three Kings"
Draft letter: undated: in Talbot Dilworth Harrison's hand: contraception
Folder: documents principally about church patronage/advowsons:
Typescript: undated: Stained Glass Ancient and Modern Lists of benefices in the gift of a number of trusts and societies: 1967 and undated Annual reports: 1956 and 1957: Church Pastoral Aid Society Leaflet: The Menace of Party Trusts: 1931: Church Patronage Protection Committee: 2 copies; one with handwritten amendments Letters: 1941: from N S Talbot: suitability of W H Marshall at Bilborough and Strelley; and from C L Berry about the church and liturgy at Milnthorpe Copy of correspondence: The Spectator: purchase of advowsons School report: Burnley Grammar School: 1896: pupil Talbot Dilworth Harrison Letters: 1963: about leaving Chesterfield and upon appointment to Edingley with Halam: from: A B Miskin; Bishop of Derby; Bill, (Much Marcle); Mildred Rawlinson; Michael Brown Statement extract: 1949: Indiscriminate sale of contraceptives Service sheet: Night Litany Letter: 1957: from Herbert Ashley: The Annunciation Group: canon law revision Leaflet: 1960: The Bishop of Derby's Ten Year Plan
Documents: 1932-1933: relating to a mission undertaken by Talbot Dilworth Harrison at University of Oxford: associated letters; relevant cuttings from The Church Times
Letter: 1940: appreciation of Talbot Dilworth Harrison's book: The Catholic Faith and This Generation
Documents marked "Petitions and Protestant Complaints: Letters: 1917-1919: number of candles in church; allocation of collections; choir's view about alteration to singing of Amen; correspondence with the Bishop about unease of some parishioners; offer to assist with Girl Guides; church warden's protest about additional vestments; request for wage increase for the sexton List of personal names and addresses (in Ringley): undated: about 165 entries, all in one hand Letter: 1922: "You have proved a traitor to the Holy Catholic Church" Letter: 1921: from a church officer at St Aidan's, (Outwood): objects to how he has been dealt with Petition: 1918: St Aidan's Mission: records appreciation of Talbot Dilworth Harrison's work: about 250 signatures Petition: 1918 St Saviour's Ringley: records appreciation of Talbot Dilworth Harrison's work: about 325 signatures
Documents relating to reactions to Lambeth Conference Report; particularly to a letter (not in this box) from Talbot Dilworth Harrison printed in The Church Times, 5 Sep 1958 in relation to contraception: Letters: 1958-1959: about 30 items, mainly from other clergymen; includes private letters from the Archbishop of Canterbury Newspaper cutting: The Church Times: 1930: The Lambeth Conference and Birth Control
Documents relating to mission by Talbot Dilworth Harrison in Trinidad: Letters: 1934-1935: appreciation for the mission: 17 items Newspaper cuttings: 1934: various Trinidad newspapers Related timetable and service sheets Booklet: Fyffes Line: General Information for Passengers Passenger List: SS Ariguani: from Avonmouth 18 September 1934
Documents relating to the Centenary of the Oxford Movement: Booklet: 1932: Outline History of the Episcopal Church: Frank E Wilson Newspaper cuttings: 1929-1946: liturgical and doctrinal maters Letters: 1932-1933: relating to Anglo-Catholic Congress Manchester Regional Committee List of members and minutes: 1931: Oxford Movement Centenary Chichester Diocesan Committee Lecture Syllabus: undated: The Oxford Movement Appeal leaflet: 1933: A John Keble Church (Mill Hill) Booklet: 1920: Fasting Communion: A Plain Statement for the Modern Man: Arthur W Hopkinson Leaflet: 1932: A Reply: re Fasting Communion: letter from W Moore Ede Leaflet: 1933: Oxford Movement Centenary Local Celebrations for Oxford Official programme and wall calendar, (with daily historic references): 1933: Oxford Movement Centenary Committee Leaflet: undated: The Society of the Servants of Christ in India Leaflets: undated: Which Is The Old Church ? and, (in reply), This Is The Old Church
Booklet: 1924: Children's Pilgrimage to York from the Manchester Diocese |