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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D769/B/8A/47/1
Former Reference1745/4
TitleCaptain N W Curzon Box 1
DescriptionRunning number Brief description of document Date
1-14 Cheque book stubs of Captain N W Curzon 1891-1898
15 Letter from Capt Curzon to arrange business meeting 20/03/1892
16 Copy will and codicils of John Curzon proved 23 August 1864 (Codicils added 17/11/1862, 01/12/1862 and 17/06/1964 21/11/1857
17 Letter to bank re NW Curzon box in strong room 25/03/1892
18 Balanced account of Taylor, Simpson and Mosley with executors Capt Curzon deceased Sept 1902
19 Letter from manager of Crompton & Evans Union Bank Ltd re stock receipts 12/07/1904
20 Draft settlement between NW Curzon and Nathanial Charles Curzon and William Curzon re Stocks and Shares 26/03/1892
21 Several notes and calculations on investments 1892
22 Letter from N Curzon to J Hallett re purchase of Deed 17/01/1892
23 Draft declaration of trust of nine debenture bonds - William Curzon 19/01/1899
24 Income account (By Mr Timms) of N W Curzon investments 1895 - 1896
25 Statement of income from India stocks bequeathed by N W Curzon to Monica Hibbert (dec'd) 1902
26 Copy will of Capt Curzon 23/02/1899
27 N W Curzon - Power of Attorney to Wm Curzon 28/02/1899
28 Check book stubs of Capt Curzon 1898 - 1899
29 Miscellaneous correspondence of Capt Curzon 1896 - 1899
30 Various papers including the copy draft lease of properties in Derby by Walter Randal and mortgagees to Edgar Horne 1889
31 Income account from N W Curzon's investments 1895
32 Notes and correspondence between solicitors re stock bequeathed to Monica Hibbert 1902
33 Hand written paper containing names of indiviuals and companies in various locations Undated
34 Covering letter re Contract of purchase of India stock 11/07/1904
35 3 letters from London Solicitors of Mrs Hibbert re release of monies and release to trustees of the late Wm Walmesley Marriage settlement May - July 1884
36 Note on envelope showing unknown calculations Undated
37 Statement of case for opinion of Incorporated Law Society re Mrs Hibbert's settlement Undated
38 Letter from Wm Walmesley to NC Curzon 10/11/1884
39 A collection of invoices paid by solicitors on behalf of Capt Curzon 1893 - 1898
40 - 119 Invoices and receipts for various items and services purchased by Capt Curzon 1893 - 1896
120 Group of India £3.10% stock forms - William Curzon to Paul Edgar Tichborne Hibbert 1907
121 Covering letter re 120 above 1907
122 Legacy of Capt Curzon to John Talbot Hibbert 1907
123 Letter of receipt of 122 above May 1907
124 Letter to solicitors Taylor, Simpson and Mosley from Edgar Hibbert 6 May 1907
125 Letter from London solicitors to Taylor, Simpson and Mosley by John Talbot Hibbert re legacy 25/04/1907
126 Settlement accounts - William Curzon and PET Hibbert 1905
127 Coverning letter from Derby Bank to solicitors re PET Hibbert legacy 30/04/1907
128 Itemised details of legacy from Capt Curzon to JT Hibbert and Inland revenue Form 18/11/1809
129-185 Invoices and receipts for various items and services purchased by Capt Curzon 1893 -1896
186 Copy will of Robert Curzon (died 1/10/1873). Proved at Derby 1873 18/11/1871
187 Release in respect of legacies under will and codicils of John Curzon - NW Curzon to NC Curzon and Wm Curzon 25/03/1892
188 Bankruptcy document - Henry Anson Cavendish, Baron Waterpark of Doveridge 26/04/1901
189 Record of loan between Colonel Burke and Lieutenant NW Curzon 1893 -1897
190 Copy of High Court of Justice document - Case between the North British and Mercantile Insurrance Co. and NW Curzon (Defendent with others) to settle principal and premiums due on covenant made 1898
191 Completed handwritten form re 190 above 1898
192 Copy of affidavit of secretary of plaintiff company in 190 above March 1896
The following entries all relate correspondence between NW Curzon, his solicitors and the solictors of Colonel Burke regarding monies owed by Col Burke and case brought by the North British & Mercantile Insurance Company. The letters and documents date from 1896 to 1898 and cover a handwritten state of Burke's affairs, invoices by parties involved, history of the case, legal arguments, various caluculations of the amount of debt and defailts by Col Burke. Colonel Burke was declared bankrupt on 28 May 1898 by the Irish Court.
193 - 326 Correpondence and documents as above 1996 - 1998
327 Submission by William Curzon and PG Tichbourne Hibbert - Proof of debt to Irish Court giving all circumstances and history of the case against Col Burke
328 - 329 Further correspondence as outlined above
330 Letter between solicitors stating that the Bankruptcy had been annulled by the Court of Chancery authoising £343.5.8 - liability as surety in deed dated 27/11/1895 for loan of £1000 advanced by North British and Mercantile Insurance Co in proportion to excess they paid over and obove their one third claim. 24 April 1902
331 - 335 Further correspondence as outlined above
336 Copy proof - Curzon and Burke - sworn statement by Wm Curzon to bankruptcy Court 23/10/1901
337 Further correspondence as outlined above
338 Draft of 336 above October 1901
339-365 Further correspondence as outlined above
366 Copy of security for £1000 and interest. Col MA Burke and others to North British and Mercantile Insurance Co 27 November 1895
367 Draft residuary Account for Inland Revenue of Capt NW Curzon Deceased. 1900
368 Memo from Estate Duty Office, London - Grant of Probate 12/08/1902
369 Estate Duty - Account requesting payment 20/08/1902
370 Coverning letter from Derby Bank to solicitors enclosing stock receipts 12/07/1900
371 Hand written document itemising Capt Curzon's financial situation at time of death July 1899
372 Collection of letters between solicitors, executors and others relating to winding-up Capt Curzon's affairs 1899
373 affidavit for Proof of Debt against Col MA Burke to High Court of Justice in Ireland Jan 1900
374 Handwritten account of charges from Solictors for North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. 7/06/1900
375 Handwritten Valuation and etc. for Securities of Esatate of Capt Curzon including details of legacies 1900
376 Covering letter from Derby Bank of 4 Contracts of Investments 10/01/1901
377 Covering letter from Edgar Hibbert re signed documents 27/11/1900
378 Death Duties - Account requesting payment 04/09/1902
379 Copy of valuation of stocks shares etc. - Estate of Capt Curzon 30/08/1899
380 Draft Corrective affidavit etc. re Settlement Estate Duty - Capt Curzon 1899
381 Duplicate corrective affidavit 1899
382 Draft affidavit for Inland Revenue - Capt Curzon Estate Undated
383 Draft form for Inland Revenue - legacies - estate ot Capt Curzon 1899
384 Receipt for Duty in 383 06/09/1902
385 Draft corrective affidavit re Estate Duty and receipt 12/08/1902
386 Corrective affidavit re Estate Duty 1899
387 Form for Inland Revenue re Legacies to estate of Capt Curzon and receipt including named legatees Nov 1899
388 Residuary Account to Inland Revenue - declaration, assessment and receipt 1901
389 affidavit for Inland Revenue - Estate Duty and supporting documents 12/10/1899
390 Trust Fund of NW Curzon 17/02/1882
391 Account of Curzon Trust re purchases from Dawson & Betts trustees Undated
The following documents relate to the Trust Fund set up for NW Curzon as a child (see 390 above) and relate to letters about the trust fund, his schooling, maintenance order and granting of monies under the order,questions about the fund and the appointment of a solicitor for the fund, proceedings and affidavits for guardianship, confirmation of Mrs Hibbert (mother), NC Curzon and Wm Curzon as guardians 1874 - 1882
392 - 405 Documents as detailed above
406 Letter from London Fire and Life Assurance Corporation to NC Curzon 02/03/1876
407 Letter from Bank to NC Curzon - transfer of monies 22/03/1875
408 Copy of Robert Curzon's Trust - annual amounts payable from trust 25/09/1874
409 Letter re 408 - payment to Mrs Robert Curzon 08/03/1875
410 Copy letter re 408 to trustees of Robert Curzon 16/03/1875
The following documents continue the collection relating to the guardianshipe of NW Curzon coverning annual maintenance, proceedings for guardianship, draft propsals, various questions, affidavits and proofs regarding the guardianship, sworn affidavits, the initial order by the High Court in 1876 and increases in maintenance in following years. Documents date from 1876 to 1882 
411 - 425 Documents as detailed above
426 Letter from Edgar Hibbert to Solicitors re Estate of of NW Curzon 18/03/1900
427 Invoice and receipt of payment to valuer of N Curzon's furniture and effects Feb 1900
428 - 430 As 426 above 1899
431 - 435 Receipts of Cromptons and Evans Union Bank Ltd 1899
The next batch of documents relate to the transfer of mainly railway stock and associated documents following the death of NW Curzon and the ultimate supply of the transfered stock certificates during 1900.  The accountants provided a schedule covering the apportionment of the estate subject to Estate Duty.
436 - 456 Documents as detailed above 1900
457 Cheque to Capt Curzon for overpayment 1897
458 Coverning letter - queries by Estate Duty Department 11/04/1900
A further batch of documents covering queries over the Deed of Settlement, invoice and receipt from Law Agency for handling of probate and request for payment of estate duty and other associated letters in 1900
459 - 463 Documents as detailed above 1900
464 Acknowledgement of request for new certificate of stock by Mid Wales Railway Co 10/05/1900
The next group of documents relate to further issues in winding-up the estate of Capt Curzon. They cover numerous letters between the parties involved, request for payment of duty on residue of estate, a handwritten extract from Capt Curzon's will, copy marriage settlement of mother, estate duty payable on legacies, original copy and ultimate discharge of insurance policy, other papers relating to mortgages, transfer of stock and debentures, payments for services of all involved, draft oath by Wm Cuzon and E Hibbert on validity of Capt Curzon's will & codicil and clarification of outstanding issues.
465 - 530 Documents as detailed above 1894 - 1901
531 Letter from Estate Duty Department re Deed of Indenture of Settlement dated 30/05/1870 between Robert Curzon and Charlotte Julia Walmesley & others 26/10/1899
532 Handwritten record of monies given by NW Curzon to Col Burke and repayments 1893 - 1897 Undated
Extent1 box
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorTaylor Simpson and Mosley, solicitors of Derby
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