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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D5956/152
TitleHolme Hall Chert Mine, Bakewell: lease to Joseph Winson Lease by Joseph Hodgson of Holme Hall in the Parish of Bakewell, esq, to Joseph Winson of Bakewell, coach proprietor; - of a chert quarry on his estate at Holme Hall (previously let to George Bramwell untill 11 May 1853), Winson agreeing to purchase Bramwell's interest and Hogson's tools and hereby agreeing to pay Hodgson £75 in consideration of this and a royalty of 5 shillings per ton on all chert, with various conditions 27 May 1853
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorClients of Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors
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