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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D5956/120
TitleDraft will of Thomas Mills of Bakewell, chemist and druggist. 26 Feb 1851 - household furniture, etc to wife, Ann; residue of personality to nephew and partner John Greaves of Bakewell and to John Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, on trust, to pay debts and invest £900 for testator's wife; after her death £300 of this to Mary Gowen Mills (daughter of testator's brother Robert) for life, etc; £300 to testator's nephew John Greaves absolutely; £200 to nephew ----- (the son of George Hall of Leek, Staffordshire); £100 to niece Ann Mills. Executor and trustee: John Taylor
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorClients of Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors
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