Title | Grant by Ralph, son of late Thomas de Billesdon of Thurleston to Lord Robert le taillour de Macworth, chaplain, of 2/3 acre meadow in Thurleston and Aillwaston [Elvaston] which Ralph had as gift from uncle, Lord Robert de Billesdon; 2/3 of messuage with 9 acres, 3 roods [rods] lands in Stockylondes, Burche Forch, le mulnefeld, Milnedich, Beliden field, le Shalkes, Lecchepolhurst, belidenmorsyde, Beliden, le Wyndemulne, Cockesdich, Fluccimarlepit, Catlouwe, Suddych, Breriforlonged, Grenewayened, Fenny flate. Witnesses: Thomas de Rode, Geoffrey atte brigg', Geoffrey de Ireton, Ralph de Billesdon, Thomas Bernetoft, Robert de Boney, all of Thulston, and others 9 Apr |