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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
J - Illustrative material
A - Photographic material
2 - Photographs of family members and other people
5 - Photographs of unidentifed people
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Former Reference
Photographs (15) of boy near steps outside Calke Abbey, group of servants, group of people outside house with horse and cart (2), man on horse, deer in park, shooting party, floral tributes outside church, girl standing by wall, car with two men and chauffeur being driven away (2), ivy covered house (2), sheep in field, church, with postcards (7) of house with some colour (2), horse and carriage with lady driver, suburban house, group of three childern in garden, woman outside cottage working on treddle machine, church and houses
early 20th cent
Derbyshire Record Office
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Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
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Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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