D162/BMW/2456-2874 | £5 shares in Matlock Bridge, Matlock Bank and Matlock Town Gas Light and Coke Co Ltd, numbered | 1857-1865 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2875-2968 | Certificates of £5 shares in the Longton Gas Co Ltd | 1859-1862 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2969 | Edward Simpson to Joseph Winson. Draft transfer 29th Jul of 4 shares [313-318] in "The Swinton... | 1857 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2969-2972 | Envelope labelled Swinton Gas Shares | 1857-1883 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2970 | Transfer certificate no. 92, from Joseph Winson to J E Newton - shares 315-318, 397-399. 549-550... | 1857 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2971 | Thomas Shutt to Joseph Winson. Transfer of4 shares in the Swinton and Mexborough Gas Light Co... | 1857 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2972 | Draft, undertaking by Winson's executors to indemnify Swinton Gas Shares | 1883 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2973 | Bundle:Gas Certificates List (Matlock Bridge, Matlock, Longton, Bakewell) showing value and... | 19th cent | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2974 | Swinton Gas Shares - List of shareholders | 1850-1877 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2975 | List of transfers | 1850-1877 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2976 | Matlock Bridge and Town Gas Works Consumption Book for Quarter ending Mar 1871 - Mar 1883. After... | 1871-1883 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2977 | Smedley's Hydropathic Co, to Winson. Epitome of title | 1866-1880 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2978 | Abstract of the title of Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Gas Works and premises in Matlock | 1860-1875 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2979 | Mortgage for securing £150 and interest, Matlock Bridge Gas Co., to James Loukes - land occupied... | 1872 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2980 | Copy of entries on the Court Roll of the Manor of Matlock - admittance of Mrs Boden, 19 Apr 1877... | 1877-1882 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2981 | Copy of entries on the Court Roll of the Manor of Matlock - admittance of Mrs Boden 19 Apr 1877 | 1877-1882 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2982 | Memorandum of agreement between B Hunter and R Wildgoose on behalf of Smedley's Hydro to J Winson... | 1876 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2983 | Supplemental abstract of the title of Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Gas Works and premises in... | 1880 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2984 | Draft copy of Court Roll of Manor of Matlock- admittance of Mrs Newman [sole executrix of James... | 1886 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |
D162/BMW/2985 | Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Pearson. Draft conveyance of the Matlock Bridge Gas Works, with... | 1886 | Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors: Executors of Joseph Winson | Derbyshire Record Office |