D133 | Derbyshire title deeds, 16th-17th cent | 1555-1687 | Unidentified | Derbyshire Record Office |
D267/194 | Account of the allowance made by the Duke of Devonshire to his tenants at Marston, Hilton, Hatton... | 1754 | Pashley Collection: artificial collection | Derbyshire Record Office |
D343 | Foston and Scropton Council School | 1886-1951 | Foston and Scropton Council School | Derbyshire Record Office |
D677 | Foston and Scropton School Board | 1873-1903 | Foston and Scropton School Board | Derbyshire Record Office |
D907 | Parish of Scropton St Paul | 1680-2004 | Parish of Scropton St Paul | Derbyshire Record Office |
D940 | Agard and Bate families of Foston & Scropton | [1533]-1778 | Agard and Bate families of Foston & Scropton | Derbyshire Record Office |
D2040 | Longford Rural Deanery | 1900-2002 | Longford Rural Deanery | Derbyshire Record Office |
D2229 | Diocese of Derby and predecessors | 1801-1856 | Diocese of Derby | Derbyshire Record Office |
D2965 | Foston and Scropton deeds | | Unidentified | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3402 | Hatton School and Hatton Centre and Foston and Scropton School | 1879-1990 | Hatton School | Derbyshire Record Office |
D4352 | Burton-upon-Trent Poor Law Union | 1899-1909 | Burton-upon-Trent Poor Law Union and Board of Guardians | Derbyshire Record Office |
D6159 | 'South Derbyshire Churchman' | 1995-2000 | 'South Derbyshire Churchman' | Derbyshire Record Office |
D6353 | Abstracts of title relating to freehold hereditaments in the parish of Scropton, Derbyshire | 1901-1917 | Unidentified | Derbyshire Record Office |
D7135 | Scropton Wesleyan Methodist Chapel | 1914-1925 | Scropton Wesleyan Methodist Chapel | Derbyshire Record Office |
D7658 | Edward Stanley (1802-1858) of Scropton, farmer | 1860 | Edward Stanley (1802-1858) of Scropton, farmer | Derbyshire Record Office |
D7922 | Archaeological Research Service Ltd | 2015 | Archaeological Research Service Ltd | Derbyshire Record Office |
D7935 | Moody and Woolley of Derby, solicitors | 18th-21st cent | Moody and Woolley of Derby, solicitors | Derbyshire Record Office |
D8154 | Scropton and Foston Women's Institute | 1928-1970 | Scropton and Foston Womens Institute | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/385.316 | A contemporary perspective on LMS railway signalling, vol 1: semaphore swansong | nd | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/571.1 | A gazetteer of British lower & middle palaeolithic sites. | 1968 | | Derbyshire Record Office |