D3287/BSA/3/553 | Marshall Hole to P.L.G.: general London Office news, including representation of Rhodesia at next... | 1923 Sep 14 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/4/364 | Administrator, Salisbury, High Commissioner, Johannesburg, & Resident Commissioner: summary of... | 1909 Jun-Aug | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/4/446 | British South Africa Company to C.O.: complaint against levy of ½d. an acre land tax on Company... | 1912 Jul 18 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/4/517 | Administrator, Salisbury, to British South Africa Company: enclosed correspondence & papers re... | 1915 Aug 10 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/4/776 | Malcolm, Cape Town, to Birchenough: account of negotiations; enclosed memorandums on the Company... | 1922 Apr 6 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/5/348 | Winchester, Amport St. Mary's, to Brodie: the Imperial Tobacco Company has sent someone to... | 1908 May 17 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/5/386 | Wm. Ewing, Glasgow, to P. Inskipp: | 1908 Dec 15 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/6/79 | British South Africa Company to C.O.: draft letter protesting at the high royalty payable to the... | [Jul] 1910 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/7/221 | Newton, Salisbury, to Birchenough: enclosed Itr. from Hole, in Blantyre, giving account of his... | 1911, Aug 19 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/7/223 | Administrator, Salisbury, to British South Africa Company: enclosed copies of article in... | 1911, Oct | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/7/252 | Press cutting: report that Nyasaland is to permit recruitment of labour for the Zambesi-Beira rlwy. | [?1920] | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/8/11 | F.O. to British South Africa Company: enclosed report to the F.O. from Commr. Alf. Sharpe of his... | 1899, Jul 26 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/8/56 | F.O. to British South Africa Company: outlines Foreign Sec's views as to Company's proposals for... | 1902, Apr 1 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/8/127 | Codrington, Featuring Jameson, to Brodie: forwards note on German proposed railway from Kilwa to... | 1906, Feb 10 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/8/160 | Administrator, Featuring Jameson: forwards correspondence w. B.C.A. administration re rights to... | 1910, May 3 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/8/163 | C.O. to British South Africa Company: requests co-operation with Nyasaland in discovering source... | 1910, Jul 16 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |
D3287/BSA/10/25 | Administrator, Livingstone, to British South Africa Company: enclosed report by Dr. May on the... | 1912, Jul 11 | British South Africa Company | Derbyshire Record Office |