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Collapse D429 - Shirley family of Brailsford - 1741-1907D429 - Shirley family of Brailsford - 1741-1907
1 - Attested copy of the settlement of estates of Lawrence Shirley, including the manors of Staunton Harold, Ragdale, Ratcliffe, Sileby and Willows (Leicestershire), the manors of Shirley, Brailsford, Ednaston and Yeaveley (Derbyshire), the manors of Sutton Bonington (Nottinghamshire) and several manors in Staffordshire - 24 Oct 1741
2 - Attested copy of an exemplification of a common recovery of the manors of Shirley, Brailsford, Ednaston and Yeaveley from Lawrence Shirley to Richard Phillips, Michaelmas 15 George III - 1741
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4 - An Act for vesting in trustees the settled estate of Washington Earl Ferrers in the County of Derby (the manors of Shirley, Brailsford, Ednaston and Yeaveley to be vested in George Wright and Thomas Cotes) - 1766
5 - An Act for the more effectually carrying into Execution an Act for vesting in trustees ... - c1768
6 - An Act for the more effectually vesting the reversion in fee simple of and in divers Lands and Hereditaments, in the Counties of Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, and Stafford, in Washington Earl Ferrers, and his Trustees - 1771
7 - An Act for appointing new Trustees to carry into Execution ... (the Act of c. 1768) - 1775
8 - Indenture containing three deeds: Assignment of mortgage and other terms in trust by the trustees of Earl Ferrers (Shirley) to John Bingham and William Woty, 23 Dec 1776 Assignment of the several terms in trust by John Bingham to Thomas Evans to attend the inheritance for Charles Upton, 5 Apr 1795 Assignment of the same terms in trust by the executors of Thomas Evans to Samuel Evans to attend the inheritance for William Evans, 25 Mar 1818 - 1776-1818
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11 - Articles of purchase of a messuage and closes in Brailsford by Earl Ferrers (Shirley) to John Webster - 11 May 1769
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15 - Attested copy of conveyance by Earl Ferrers to William Cox of a messuage called the Saracens Head and another messuage called the Rose and Crown - 21 Dec 1776
16 - Assignment of a lease of three parcels of ground in Brailsford by Thomas Gerard to Revd Swindell and a fresh lease from Swindell to Gerard - 12 Dec 1778
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20 - Assignment and surrender of a lease of land in Brailsford by Thomas Winson to Revd Swindell - 6 Apr 1781
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23 - Lease by Thomas Evans to Thomas Gerard of several closes called the Hayes and the Common Pleas - 4 Apr 1797
24 - Conveyance of a piece of land at Ednaston by Earl Ferrers (Shirley) to Charles Upton - 20 Oct 1799
25 - Conveyance of a plot of land at Brailsford next to the highway to Mercaston by Daniel Hurt to Thomas William Evans - 20 Jan 1882
26 - licence to take water from a stream in Hollington owned by Lionel Guy Gisborne for waterworks erected by George William Crompton, for 21 years - 2 May 1904
27 - Agreement for letting a farm in Allestree by Lionel Guy Gisborne to John Edward Harrison - 25 Mar 1907
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